A Step Ahead: Effective Management of Excessive Pronation

Course Description:

This interactive, on-demand online course is designed to introduce the participant to a growth learning model for patients with hypotonia and excessive pronation. Treatment of excessive and symptomatic pronation is important to aiding proper postural control and gait development in young children. While there are many orthotic treatment solutions, understanding the benefits of circumferential compression and triplanar control will help the participant effectively develop orthotic treatment plans. In this course, we will discuss the evaluation, fitting, follow up and graduation of orthotic treatment using Surestep SMOs. We will also express the importance of collaboration of the health care team and family education.

Earn 2.25 CEUs (approved by ABC)


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Course Objectives:

  • Understand how to collaborate with care team members and integrate knowledge for best patient outcomes.
  • Understand typical foot and ankle development
  • Identify excessive and symptomatic pronation
  • Assess children who present with excessive pronation and formulate an orthotic treatment plan
  • Understand when to graduate a child from an orthotic treatment plan
  • Apply this knowledge to evaluate patients who present with excessive and symptomatic pronation
  • Understand orthotic objectives and how to choose appropriate devices to achieve these goals
  • Apply this knowledge to effectively communicate with families

Course Outline:

Duration Objective Description
5 min Module 1 Introduction & Handouts
5 min Module 2: Part 1 Lecture Estabilsh health care team, and introduce course structure
6 min Module 3: Knowledge Level Explore and understand learned knowledge of excessive pronation and its natural history
7 min Module 4: Part 2 Lecture Takeaways from module and introduction to red flags
12 min Module 5: Knowledge Level: Experiential Explore and understand experiential knowledge, traditional interventions (shoes & orthoses) and the effects on postural control and gait
16 min Module 6: Part 3 Lecture Takeaways from module, additional red flags, and consequences of traditional treatment
24 min Module 7: Knowledge Level: Integrative Explore and understand integrative knowledge, benefits of early orthotic intervention to provide dynamic stability, potential changes in postural control, motor skills and gait (short & long term)
17 min Module 8: Part 4 Lecture Takeaways from module, orthotic objectives, importance of family education & care team collaboration
17 min Module 9: Knowledge Level: Is it too late? Understand consequences of excessive pronation in older children.
10 min Module 10: Part 5 Lecture Takeaways from module and course conclusion
10 min Module 11: Additional Resources Helpful analogies, dosage, shoe recommendations, and when to graduate or replace from an SMO.
15 min Module 12: A Step Ahead Quiz
5 min Module 13: A Step Ahead Post-Course Survey
Module 14: Self-submission packet for PTS and OTS