Shaping the Future:
Effective Management of Infant Headshapes

Sprout3D Cranial Remolding Helmet

course description:

This live webinar course is designed to introduce providers to the process and benefits of providing the Surestep Sprout3D cranial remolding orthosis (CRO). The newly designed cranial remolding orthosis is fabricated via additive manufacturing. By creating an easy-to-use, patient-friendly device, families can gain confidence that will allow them to be more compliant in treatment, resulting in better overall outcomes. This custom fabricated CRO is also an efficient solution for providers. It offers a consistent and precise anatomical fit that improves referral relationships and outcomes and decreases frustrations that can accompany more traditional CRO options. After completing the course, providers will feel confident evaluating, fitting, adjusting, and graduating patients from the Surestep Sprout3D cranial remolding orthosis.

April 15, 2025

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST


  • Explain the anatomy of the skull and specific anatomical landmarks crucial to treatment.
  • Understand how to classify the different diagnoses and presentations of deformational plagiocephaly.
  • Understand the benefits of utilizing the Surestep Sprout3D CRO over traditionally fabricated CROs.
  • Assess which superior opening is most appropriate based on patient’s initial presentation.
  • Understand the importance of accurate shape capture during the anatomical scan to improve accuracy of CRO.
  • Assess the fit of Surestep Sprout3D and make appropriate adjustments.
  • Explain the donning, doffing, wear and care of Surestep Sprout3D to families.
  • Communicate the benefits of Surestep Sprout3D on treatment outcomes to referral sources and families.
  • Understand when a child has outgrown their Sprout3D and make recommendations for continuing treatment or graduation from care.

outline: (1 hour)

Duration Objective
5 min Anatomy Review
10 min Classification of Headshapes
8 min Sprout3D Product Overview
5 min Scanning Overview
8 min How to Order
6 min Wear, Care, & Cleaning
8 min Adjustment Tips
8 min Outcomes
2 min Conclusion

Session will follow-up with a Quiz and Survey

Total Minutes for CEU: (60 min or 1.25 CEUs)
Courses are approved for CEUs by ABC. Contact us to confirm your state is approved.

April 15, 2025

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST

Can’t attend the webinar? Access the course on-demand