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On-Demand Courses: Earn CEUs

Get on-demand continuing education courses from Surestep! Complete lessons on your schedule, at your own pace.

Start our NEW A Step Ahead course (2.25 CEUs)
Start our O&P training course (1.75 CEUs)

Sprout3D™ onboarding

This on-demand virtual course is designed to introduce new providers to the treatment plan for providing the Surestep Sprout3D cranial remolding orthosis (CRO).

Earn 1.25 CEUs (approved by ABC) where you will learn:

  • Explain the anatomy of the skull and specific anatomical landmarks crucial to treatment.
  • Understand the importance of accurate shape capture during the anatomical scan to improve accuracy of CRO.
  • Classify the different diagnoses and presentations of deformational plagiocephaly.
  • Understand the benefits of utilizing the Surestep Sprout3D CRO over traditionally fabricated CROs.

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a step ahead

This interactive, on-demand online course is designed to introduce the participant to a growth learning model for patients with hypotonia and excessive pronation.

Earn 2.25 CEUs (approved by ABC) where you will learn:

  • Typical foot and ankle development
  • Identify excessive and symptomatic pronation
  • Assess children who present with excessive pronation and formulate an orthotic treatment plan

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o&p provider course

Take the new Surestep provider course for everything you need to know about working with Surestep.

Earn 1.75 CEUs (approved by ABC) while you learn: 

  • Typical and atypical pediatric development and how orthotic intervention can help
  • Tips on communicating effectively with a patient’s family and overall healthcare team
  • Tips and tricks for measuring, ordering, and fitting Surestep devices

Register Now*

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need help with courses?

We’re here for your education needs! For special requests, such as in-person courses, submit a request.

update: on-demand course catalog

Our courses are being upgraded! We’re launching new on-demand courses that you can take online—earning CEUs at your own pace.

Sign up to be informed as new courses come out (you can unsubscribe any time):

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How to Order

*Note: When you click “Register Now” above, a form will open. Enter your information to create a free LearnUpon account. You’ll then receive an email to help you log in. (If you already have an account, log in at and find the Surestep Provider Course on your dashboard.)

If you need help logging in, contact Samantha Singleton at [email protected].