O&P Provider Course

Course Description:

This interactive course is designed to introduce providers to the process and benefits of providing Surestep SMOs and AFOs. The proprietary Surestep SMO has helped revolutionize the pediatric orthotic market. By creating dynamic stability, they help children and their families gain confidence, stability and the ability to participate in their lives. This custom fabricated SMO is also an efficient solution for providers. It offers a consistent system that improves patient and referral relationships, outcomes and decreases frustrations that can accompany more traditional treatment options. After completing the course, providers will feel confident evaluating, fitting, adjusting and graduating patients from Surestep SMOs and AFOs.

Earn 1.75 CEUs (approved by ABC)


Note: When you click above, a form will open. Enter your information to create a free LearnUpon account. You’ll then receive an email to help you log in. (If you already have an account, log in at surestep.learnupon.com and find the Surestep Provider Course on your dashboard.) If you need help logging in, contact Samantha Singleton at [email protected].

Course Objectives:

  • Explain the consequences of hypotonia and excessive pronation to families.
  • Understand the benefits of using a Surestep SMO, Surestep Toe Walking SMO and/or a Surestep Indy 2 Stage AFO System with patients with high tone pronation.
  • Apply this knowledge to evaluate patients and recommend appropriate treatment plans.
  • Assess the fit of Surestep SMOs and make appropriate adjustments.
  • Explain the donning, doffing, wear and care of Surestep SMOs to families.
  • Communicate the benefits of Surestep SMOs on gait and gross motor skills to referral sources and families.
  • Understand orthotic objectives and how to choose appropriate devices to achieve these goals.
  • Understand when a child has outgrown SMOs and make recommendations for continuing treatment or graduation from care.

Course Outline:

Duration Objective
6 min Surestep Story
16 min Typical Development
16 min Atypical Development
16 min Orthotic Selection
6 min Measuring Tips
10 min How to Order
8 min Fitting Tips
10 min Parent & Caregiver Education
7 min Follow Up
1 min Conclusion
Provider Quiz