1. take the course
Take our upcoming webinar detailing how to scan, order, and adjust the Sprout3D.
Ordering is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Ordering is exclusive to Surestep customers.
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Take our upcoming webinar detailing how to scan, order, and adjust the Sprout3D.
Can’t attend the webinar? Access the course on-demand
After the course, we’ll help you log into our portal—the only place to order Sprout3D.
Get equipment to output compatible scan files. Then, enter an order in the portal!
Scanning requires quality equipment to accurately capture the occipital and mastoid contours, including:
Tablet– or smartphone-based scanners should not be used, because their output resolution is too low.
Get the exclusive “order reference guide” PDF emailed to you. It details scanning, ordering, and CRO adjustments in-depth. To request it, submit this form. (We never spam you or sell your information).