cranial remolding, reimagined
National cranial specialists developed Sprout3D by combining 10,000 data points and decades of clinical experience, leading to design breakthroughs that help ensure the best possible patient outcomes.
The Surestep Sprout3D™ Cranial Remolding Orthosis (CRO) is transforming cranial care with a cutting-edge 3D design that delivers precision, comfort, and efficiency.
National cranial specialists developed Sprout3D by combining 10,000 data points and decades of clinical experience, leading to design breakthroughs that help ensure the best possible patient outcomes.
Intentionally designed for comfort and ease of use, Sprout3D features a lightweight structure and first-of-its kind hinge opening.
Sprout3D is fabricated in the USA with top-of-the-line 3D printing technology allowing for quick turnaround times and a precise fit requiring minimal modifications.
Sprout3D is the only CRO with unique trim lines specifically designed for plagiocephaly and brachycephaly.
Because 3D printing creates a more precise fit the first time, you’ll get fewer after-hours calls caused by fitting issues and discomfort at home.
Plus, with our innovative hinge system, fitting appointments are faster, with minimal, easy modifications. That leaves you more time to chat with each family and answer their questions, getting them ready to use the CRO successfully at home.
More testimonialsIn just three weeks, our son’s head has drastically improved. The transition to the helmet has been seamless.
Sprout3D is the only CRO with unique trim lines designed for plagiocephaly and brachycephaly.
To correct a head that is flattened on one side, this oval-shaped trim line gently guides the skull into healthy symmetry.
To correct a flattening at the back of the head, this trim line lengthens and gently curves the skull.
Standard circular trim lines are also available.
We provide these colors to allow families to personalize their Sprout3D.
Available for all trim lines.
Attend a live webinar about the Sprout3D! Get your questions answered by cranial experts with years of cranial service experience.
March 25