Speaker Bio
Steve Kulifaj, CO, BOCP, LO
Education Consultant
Steve Kulifaj is a certified and licensed orthotist-prosthetist with more than 25 years of clinical experience. Steve’s passion for pediatrics began early in his residency at Detroit Children’s hospital. He went on to establish a pediatric specialty team in Minnesota, co-founded a three facility O&P practice in Minnesota, and provided pediatric care in Minneapolis and Hennepin County Medical Center’s pediatric specialty. He also provided both clinical and practice leadership in Oregon, California, and Nevada.
Steve is a passionate educator and speaker who has given many presentations both nationally and internationally. His special focus is on the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to pediatric care. Constantly looking to push the envelope of advancing clinical treatment techniques and as a lifetime learner, Steve seeks to share ideas and gain knowledge wherever he travels.
With nearly a decade of commitment to sharing Surestep innovations and education, Steve currently serves as an Education Consultant for Surestep.