How to Fit a Surestep SMO

Use this checklist for the initial fitting and adjustment of SMOs:

1. Ensure socks extend past the top of the SMO

2. Check that “L” and “R” stickers are placed correctly, and tell the family that standard Surestep trimlines could make left and right seem opposite to them

3. Open the SMO at the dorsum wings, position it behind the foot, and pull it forward from behind the foot

4. Seat the heel into the SMO correctly by dorsiflexing and supinating the foot

5. Place a dorsal pad on top of the foot, then pull the straps tight enough to prevent pronation within the brace

6. Ensure there is 3/8” to 1/2” between the dorsum wings

7. Ensure the length of the SMO is distal to the 5th metatarsal head and proximal to the 1st metatarsal head (with standard Surestep trimlines)

8. Extend the 5th toe to ensure that the plastic doesn’t pinch the skin during propulsion

9. Ensure the 1st metatarsal head is free for propulsion and the 5th metatarsal head is covered

10. Mark the straps to show the family how tight they need to pull the straps, then trim away excess strap material

11. Open heel modification: Ensure the child’s heel drops all the way to the floor while standing

12. Check that the child’s shoes are wide and deep enough to properly fit around the SMO