How to Order

AFOs (Ankle-Foot Orthosis)

Surestep’s line of AFOs (ankle-foot orthoses) create dynamic stability for patients, increasing function at the foot and ankle. Products treat a wide range of indications.

Image - Child wearing Indy 2 Stage AFO

Indy 2 Stage

Our Surestep Indy 2 Stage is built with a specific purpose in mind. This exceptional ”orthosis within an orthosis” allows for the Surestep SMO to be utilized independent of the AFO.

Image - Child in Advanced AFO

Advanced AFO

For children who are eager to stand and start walking, the Surestep Advanced is perfect. This AFO incorporates our patented technique of compression around the foot to provide stability to children while building in the height of an AFO.

Image - Child in Big Shot AFO

Big Shot AFO

Our Big Shot AFO is a fixed ankle solution that provides relief for bony prominences. The cutouts offer a more comfortable, flexible fit without compromising stability.

Image - Child wearing Pullover AFO

Pullover AFO

The Pullover is able to be used as a Surestep SMO to start, and then as a free-motion, dorsiflexion assist AFO when needed.

Image - Child wearing Hinged AFO

Hinged AFO

Our Surestep Hinged AFO is built with a specific purpose in mind. For children who present with excessive plantarflexion, the Surestep Hinged may be an appropriate solution.

Image - DASS AFO


Our Dynamic Adjustable Stretching Strap (DASS) AFO is a nighttime stretching system for pediatric patients. It corrects and protects fragile joint alignment.