VIDEO – Surestep Vs Traditional SMOs

In this video, Surestep Quality Assurance Manager Mark Haines, certified prosthetist and orthotist, explains several differences between Traditional SMOs and Surestep SMOs.

Traditional SMO

  • Foot Plate: Full
  • Walls: The lateral and medial sides extend beyond the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads
  • Plastic: Stiff
  • Purpose: To fully control supination or pronation through leverage to gain control of the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot

Surestep SMO

  • Foot Plate: Custom foot plate with trimline behind the 1st metatarsal head and extended out to and beyond the 5th metatarsal head to the sulcus
  • Plastic: Flexible
  • Purpose: Limits motion in a safe and healthy way through compression for stability
  • Gait Control: Does not fully control supination or pronation, as they are parts of normal gait. Instead, prevents excessive pronation and supination

Read more about the Surestep SMO here on our website.