At this Surestep CEU event, we’ll help you practice skills on real case studies, giving you techniques you can use right away with your patients.
Orthotists and physical therapists attend our courses throughout their careers. Why? Because Surestep educators have decades of combined experience working with pediatric patients. We’re committed to finding and sharing research-based orthotics techniques—and helping you get life-changing results with your patients.
What Movement Patterns Are Compensations, and Why Does That Matter?
Our Guiding Paths course identifies certain seemingly harmless movement patterns in pediatric patients. These actually damage their later skills and quality of life. Patients often develop them to compensate for underlying conditions, so we call them “compensations.” Find out:
- How to identify these “harmless” pediatric movement patterns
- The 3 major pediatric conditions that lead to these compensations
- The 5 aspects of a patient that can be harmed by compensations
- How to address compensations within 3 major subsets of patients
- The 5 major ways that orthotic interventions can help your patients
You’ll learn by group discussions of in-depth case studies. We’ll practice assessing patients for new orthotic solutions. You’ll understand how to provide early intervention through physical therapy and orthotics to improve the development of healthy postural control.
See how these solutions can address the primary issue your patient has, help create new movement patterns, and improve their future development!
Why “Guiding Paths” Is Free
It's part of Surestep’s ongoing outreach to our friends in the clinical community. Surestep only exists because of hard-working professionals like you who make a difference in kids’ lives.
You can earn 2.5 CEUs, absolutely FREE! We include refreshments, take-home materials, and an opportunity for collaboration with your colleagues in the Nashville area.
If you want to connect with local and supportive PTs or orthotists, this event is a low-pressure way to meet them.
What Participants Are Saying
When we asked participants recently what they loved about Guiding Paths, they said:
"I loved the videos of real patients as examples of how they moved before and after the surestep SMOs. It taught me what to look for in children's movement patterns."
"The presenter did a very nice job of explaining and showing examples of what she was talking about. I will most likely pay more attention to what gait looks like in younger patients I am seeing that have certain diagnoses."
"The before and after footage. That Surestep enables muscles to strengthen, unlike other more restricted devices that cause atrophy of the muscles."
Register for Guiding Paths Before It’s Full
If you’re ready to book your FREE spot for June 12 in Nashville, click below. We only have a limited number of seats in the conference room at Embassy Suites, so sign up now to secure your spot.
You can always back out later, if other obligations come up. But if you don’t sign up now, it'll be very easy to forget this opportunity. It only takes a minute! So, click below.
You’ll be taken to our Salesforce form so we can get more information.
Don’t worry! We’ll only use your information to update you on this course! We have absolutely no interest in selling your information (and don’t like when other companies do that to us).
We’ll also stay in touch with you about future courses you can attend, but you can unsubscribe with a click through our automated system.